A Neat Tool To Manage Sys V Services in Linux

I was trying to get PostgreSQL's "pgagent" process (written to run as a daemon) to run on startup like other Linux services, and came upon this nice visual (i.e., curses) tool to manage services.

It's called "sysv-rc-conf" (install with "sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf"), and when run with "sudo sysv-rc-conf", brings up a screen like this:

It's not really "graphics", but to a command-line user, this is as graphical as it gets

All services listed in /etc/init.d appear in this table. The columns are different Unix runlevels. Most regular services need to be running in runlevels 2, 3, 4 and 5, and stopped in the others. Simply move the cursor to the desired cells and press Tab to toggle it on or off. The 'K' (stop) and 'S' (start) symbolic links are automatically written into the respective rc.d directories. Press 'q' to quit the tool and satisfy yourself that the symbolic links are all correctly set up.

You can manually start and stop as usual:

/etc/init.d$ sudo ./myservice start
/etc/init.d$ sudo ./myservice stop

Plus, your service will be automatically started and stopped when the system enters the appropriate runlevels.



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